We need your support
We need to expand our engineer capacity. Right now our revenue comes from investors like you subscribing to the Entrepreneur One subscription for $100 per month. It is handled as a loan. It earns you an ILP (Incentivized Loan Program), an assumable note.
Each ILP you earn will pay interest for 20 years. This interest is an equal share of 20% of Markethive’s revenue. If we should even reach just 10% of LinkedIn, each ILP will return about $25,000 per month for the life of Markethive. Realize this is not a promise but an educated projection.
As an Entrepreneur One subscriber (you can have more than one) you also receive an equal share of our impressions. Right now with current traffic that is about 100,000 impressions earned for your banner ads. You may also sell your banner ads via our banner exchange to other members in Markethive. Only Entrepreneur One subscriptions receive impressions. Impressions selling on the low end @ $2 per CPM making one E1 delivering at least $200 worth of impressions.
When we reach 1 million members that number will rise to 10,000,000 impressions per E1 subscription. I think you can do the numbers from here. When we reach 10 million members and when we reach 100 million members. You get the picture.
All of this takes engineering and marketing. Engineering must reach a level, where we have the promo code system completed, the E1 exchange launched, the Premium Upgrade ready to go and the KYC/2FA login option installed. At that point we begin the 1st phase of our launch.
So you see why we are making this call to you add another Entrepreneur One subscription (or more) to help us scale the wall to our preliminary launch of this massive project.
Now thankyous are in order. We are not funded by a couple big venture capitalists like Facebook was, like Paypal was, like TikTok was, like Instagram was, like Binance was, like…..etc. We are funded by the little guys and gals like you and me. With simply subscribing $100 contributions to the Entrepreneur One loan protocol and earning your lifetime share of our revenue. It is the loyal members like you making this project a reality.
Because of you we have already delivered the lion’s share of the system. Now we ask you to help us take it to the masses and help this giant rise from the land and sea to serve the masses as the world prepares to receive her savior. Do you want to be part of this? I know I certainly do and so do 100s of other Markethive members.
What say you? See my recording in the current blog.
Subscribe here
Thomas Prendergast
P.S. I am keeping this offer active until this coming Sunday.
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